By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

LESSON 28 Part 2


The most important relationship we can ever share is with God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son. That is a relationship that only the Holy Spirit can bring to pass through His power. However, this “first love” encounter with Jesus does not happen automatically. Since faith without works is dead, so an intimate relationship with the Lord will fade if we do not do our part as disciples to maintain this passion for Him above all others.

Part 1 defined first love for Christ and why it must be our number one priority. In Part 2, we cover the first six of 10 exercises to help us discover or rediscover this passion that should define the life of each of us if we claim to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.


1. Let God Be The First One You Greet Each Morning

Just think—God has lovingly watched over you and me all through the night. He neither slumbers nor sleeps and there is no night nor darkness with Him (Psalm 139). With that kind of loving, personal attention, why ignore Him and yet say “good morning” to loved ones and friends.

Let God be the first person every morning to whom you give a cheery “God morning, Lord.” I find that sets the pace for the day and it’s easier to put and keep my sights on things above. Matthew 6:21 says, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Be honest. If someone gave you a million dollars, where would your mind go first thing on waking in the morning? A love relationship with Jesus makes a million dollars look insignificant. Colossians 3:1, 2 tells us that if we’ve been risen with Christ, we’ll seek things that are above, not the junk of this earth.

2. Get Into The Word And Prayer First Thing In The Morning

Prayer is my communing with the Father, but the Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to talk to me. I have discovered that I don’t love the Lord any more than I enjoy spending time in His Word—and I don’t really enjoy His fellowship any more than I like spending time seeking His face and His will in prayer. This kind of honesty forces me to get my relationship out of the theoretical into the real and practical.

Can you imagine a marriage where a husband doesn’t take time to sit down and communicate with his wife? No matter what else he does, it won’t be enough. Lack of communication will break down the marriage and eventually destroy it. Why do we think things are any different with the Lord? Begin a systematic study of the Scriptures. Read your Bible each morning and before going to bed at night. Pray over what God tells you and take time to think and meditate.

Don’t worry about not always feeling like reading the Bible and praying. Much of the time your emotions will mislead you. We don’t always take showers because we feel like it—we take them because they’re necessary. I don’t read God’s Word and pray because I always feel terrific—in fact, it’s the times that I don’t want to read the Word or pray that I need both of them the most. Isaiah 40:31 promises us that if we wait on the Lord, we’ll renew our strength and mount up with spiritual wings as eagles, and II Timothy 2:15 is a command to study the Bible in order to be approved by God.

3. Learn To Hold Spontaneous Conversations With The Lord

Through the day I’m learning to remind the Lord how much I love Him—and it’s a real thrill when you listen closely and can hear Him speak to your own spirit concerning His great love for you. As you notice Him through the day, you’ll find Jesus saying, “If you’ll take time to love me, I’ll strengthen you throughout the day.” Little by little, I’m learning that a constant love directed toward the Lord is a continual source of energy. We may go to bed tired, but we won’t be exhausted, because we’ll have spent adequate time with the One who says, “And as thy days, so shall thy strength be” (Deuteronomy 33:25). And remember, the promise in Isaiah 40:31 of renewing our strength is actually the exchange of His strength for ours.

The New Testament tells us to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), and this does not mean merely an unconscious attitude of prayer. It can become real if we work at it. But that takes discipline—something many Christians find unappealing. Salvation is free, but an intimate love for God is costly.

4. Pause In The Middle Of The Day For A Spiritual Snack

Daniel certainly did when he prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). David did when he promised the Lord that morning, noon and evening he would pray and seek His face (Psalm 55:17). When I see how Daniel and David were used by God—and His tender feelings toward them—I’m forced to admit that they discovered that one of the secrets to finding His heart is quality time. (God called Daniel “greatly beloved” and David “a man after my own heart.”

Now it’s time. The morning is over but critical and valuable hours are yet to be faced in the afternoon. I find that perhaps only five minutes or so around the noon hour just pondering a few scripture verses and reminding the Lord how grateful I am for His companionship brings joy to my heart. You, too, will receive strength and wisdom as you look back and see how you were doing up to that point in the day and then pray for His guidance in the use of the remaining hours. The book of Proverbs is great for a noontime snack because there are 31 chapters and you can take one for every day of the month. I call Proverbs my “Get Smart Book”, because it speaks much about everyday relationships with God and with people.

5. Learn To Pray As Things Happen

Many Christians think that prayer times must be formally set, adhered to and then closed down. That isn’t what I do with my wife. We do have those special times in a very intimate relationship, but we also chat and enjoy each other’s company throughout the day. When we face a difficulty that shouldn’t wait, we cover it right then. If it’s a special joy, we celebrate with a “hallelujah” on the spot.

We can do the same thing with the Lord. Many people come to our mind through the day and we face many different situations. Just a brief mention in prayer of the person’s name or that situation will bring blessings to others throughout the day and an awareness of God that comes to us when we walk as partners with Him.

Learn to pray as things happen through the day. Then you won’t have to catch up during your evening devotions and they can become more of a time of praise and adoration. It’s possible to pray for many people and situations daily, and what a promise we have in I John 5:14, 15 that when we ask anything according to His will, He hears and answers.

Whenever you face a new situation or challenge, ask the Lord’s help. When something good happens, thank Him immediately. You’re becoming scriptural when you do, because Ephesians 6:18 tells us that we’re to be “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,” and that simply means prayer at a moment’s notice for every circumstance and every person that God brings to our hearts and minds.

6. Learn To Adore, Praise And Thank The Lord—Not Only Corporately, But When Alone

I’m learning to thank my heavenly Father for the things I take for granted. The fact that He has always been God. The universe He’s created. Earth and people, my own birth and my personal encounter with the incomparable Christ. His Call on my life. His keeping me from the thousand-and-one traps that Satan must have set for me over these years. Sun, moon, stars, trees, birds, flowers, oceans, rivers, lakes, and for the greatest gift of all—the fact that I’ll never really die but spend forever and forever with my most precious and wonderful Lord.

Learn also to thank Him for the negative circumstances you find yourself in. Adoring and praising God is one of the greatest ways to release His power on a situation or person. That’s why we’re commanded by Scripture, “In everything give thanks” (I Thessalonians 5:18). Ephesians 5:20 tells us, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father.” And Psalm 149 adds, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Note that the book of Psalms (a book of praise) ends with its final verse commanding everything that has breath to praise the Lord. He breathed life into us—we breathe praise back to Him.



