Shalom International Outreach founder Frank Eiklor grew up in an Illinois home where the word “Jew” was used to malign and stereotype. His life was transformed while a U.S. Marine in the Far East when he discovered:
The Bible-both Testaments-were Jewish
John was not a “Baptist” but a Jew
Jesus was not a blue-eyed Swede from Chicago
Paul was Saul-God’s Jewish missionary to pagans
Shalom’s CEO Cecilia Contreras has been mentored by Frank and Norma Eiklor for over 17 years. She has the love, calling and passion of God for which Shalom stands for.
Today, the Shalom International Outreach takes in the world—as near as Mexico, and as far as India. The apostle to the Gentiles; Paul—never lost his burden for Israel and Romans 1:16 should be a part of every church’s ministry: “to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” That is the message of Shalom in living and giving the good news of Jesus Christ to the Jews, to Israel and to the world.