By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras 

LESSON 24 Part 1


Everyone battles guilt. We experience guilt because of something we think, say or do that we know to be wrong and against the rules of conscience. Thank God for the ability to feel guilty. It means we still have a conscience. Some people damage that delicate mechanism so badly that they never feel guilty about anything. They have a clear conscience simply because they have a poor memory. However, many sensitive people are being devastated by guilt. With some, it’s so bad that they have trouble sleeping, eating, acting or interacting with people.


There are at least three kinds of guilt:

1.     Unconfessed sin before God.

2.     Unconfessed sin to another person.

3.     The unwillingness to forgive ourselves.

David, in his adultery with Bathsheba, illustrates the terrible guilt experienced because of unconfessed sin before God. When he did confess (Psalm 51), he was freely forgiven.

The prodigal son illustrates unconfessed sin to another. Until he made restitution to his father (“…no more worthy to be called your son,” Luke 15:19) for his selfish, lustful living, he was still living with a guilty conscience. Rejoicing followed his confessing because guilt was gone.

Simon Peter could represent the need to forgive ourselves. Peter was taken with guilt over denying Christ. He probably thought he was past saving. I believe he had to learn to forgive himself. That was made possible by the special loving word from the angel at the empty tomb, “…go your way, tell his disciples and Peter…” (Mark 16:7). When Peter knew Jesus loved and forgave him, he could forgive himself.


Many things! Some people never escape the guilt of a broken marriage. Others feel guilty because of the way their children turn out. Sometimes guilt is caused from resentments and jealousies that are kept hidden. Or from hypocrisy in acting spiritual while living carnal. Or from something we have thought, said or done either to God, another or ourselves that we know to be wrong.

If we’re willing to get  honest, it’s generally not difficult to isolate the guilt feelings. What is it that keeps bothering you and no matter how many times you try to escape the thought, it keeps returning again and again? What is it that, no matter how hard you try to analyze and justify it, keeps nagging at you with those feelings of terrible guilt?


Psychologists tell us that we should deal with guilt by talking about it. Some eastern religions tell us to meditate on guilt and it will go away. Some voices in modern society tell us to forget it, “You don’t have anything to feel guilty about. If it felt good, it was all right!”

God says none of these options will ever work. Perhaps that’s why David was called a man after God’s own heart. There were greater warriors, wiser statesmen and more effective administrators than David. I believe God’s special love for this man was because of the way David would face his sin and guilt in total honesty and receive forgiveness. He simply could not live without God.

Since God made us, He knows we are susceptible to sin. That’s why He made provision to not only forgive us for our sins according to I John 1:9, but also for Jesus Christ to act as Advocate or Attorney in presenting our case before the Father (I John 2:1).

We have now discussed the problem of a guilty conscience. In Part 2, we will share six practical steps as God’s solution to overcoming guilt.



