By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 30 Part 3
This is the third and final part in this lesson on “How To Win The War For Your Mind”. In order for you to complete the self-test that follows, you should take time to review the first two parts of the study.
In our last lesson, we began a typical day by giving immediate attention to the Lord upon our awakening. Our mind is now set on things above and we are ready for the next steps.
2. God’s Love Letter
Now you can pick up God’s love letter the Bible and begin reading where you left off the day before. As you spend time studying the Word and applying its truths, your mind is further filled with God’s thoughts. You find a new desire to spend every spare moment you can either reading the Scriptures or good books describing the lives and adventures of men and women of God. Being involved with more time in the Word also means less idle time for negative thoughts to develop and feed. II Timothy 2:15 takes on new meaning, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”
You not only begin to see clearly the traps that Satan sets for you and others, but how to avoid those snares and help others do the same. Your mind is virtually pulsating with verses of Scripture, and you see things from the Lord’s perspective.
3. Applying The Word
If you’re a man contemplating a divorce from your mate, you discover according to the book of Malachi that God hates divorce and warns you against being unfaithful to the wife of your youth.
(Malachi 2:16) Now you’re being prepared for the Lord to begin a new work, first in your own life, and then in your marriage.
If you’re the person going deeper and deeper into debt because “everyone’s doing it,” you reverse course after discovering Romans 13:8, “Owe no man anything, but to love one another…” and rearrange your priorities so that you can pay off all debts.
If you’re a person battling lustful thoughts, you begin to realize that while this is a temptation that happens to others, you can so fill your life with Jesus that He is able to teach you how to behave with purity and nobility toward others and help you to, “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (II Timothy 2:22)
If you’re a Christian woman preparing to marry an unsaved man, you halt all proceedings in light of II Corinthians 6:14, “Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers…”
If you have a tormenting fear of death, you present that fear to the Holy Spirit and walk away with the gift of Hebrews 2:15—that of being delivered from the fear of death and any resulting bondage, while actually beginning to anticipate that moment of going to be with the Lord who loves you so intimately.
If you’re the Christian businessman or woman facing office seduction, you resolve to go share Jesus with that person so that they will know your purity has no price tag.
Perhaps that day you are faced with one or both of the most common of Satan’s darts—the monster called jealousy and/or an unforgiving spirit. Now that your mind is being taken over by God’s Word, you’re ready to face and win these battles. As that jealous thought strikes, the Holy Spirit reminds you that you are special to the Lord and that with God as your Father, Christ as elder brother and the Holy Spirit as precious counselor and comforter, you need not bow to the insecurity and inferiority of jealousy.
Now Satan employs one other favorite tool to see if he can defeat you and win the war for your mind—an unforgiving spirit. People will always do things to you and me that would make us secretly wish they would disappear for around fifty years. However, since you have learned that to the degree you refuse to forgive others for their sins and unkindnesses toward you, to that same degree will God not forgive you for your sins, you drop all anger and hatred in a hurry. And God’s peace settles in your heart as you choose to forgive so that, “…if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14).
The day is going fast because you find yourself enjoying submitting to the Holy Spirit and using the Word of God as a guide for that day’s thoughts, actions, reactions and words. You used to run on the impressions that came into your mind, but now you find yourself testing those thoughts to see if they agree with Scripture. You also find a sharper awareness of the Holy Spirit and your dependency on His power. Prayer becomes more natural as you begin to pray for people and situations as they come to mind. You’re excited that you are actually learning to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).
That day you also memorize a fresh scripture verse or two. You have already discovered that memorizing God’s Word uses up more storage space in that fabulous computer mind you have, and that the Word is self-expanding and forces out the negative. (Psalm 119:11) “Your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”)
Perhaps the verse that ignites in your mind and heart is I Timothy 4:8, “Bodily exercise profits (a) little…” You realize that a toned and healthy body is a great aid toward scripturally positive thinking, and you determine to get or stay in good physical condition.
During this typical day, you also declare boldly who and what the Word of God says you are (you’re a king and a priest, so you act like one—Revelation 1:6) as well as confess the greatness of God in your life (“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress…” Psalm 91:2).
Negative confession puts you deeper into weakness and defeat, but positive confession releases the power of God in your life as you look to Him to, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).
Finally, as you think often on the Lord (Malachi 3:16), you find yourself asking Him less questions and doing less doubting: “Why did this have to happen?” “Why must I endure…?” “What did I do to deserve this?” You’re learning to confess your gratitude to the Lord, not only for the positive things that happen, but also the difficult, as you employ I Thessalonians 5:18 in order to grow into greater maturity, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
You know that some days will be more difficult and that when you’re at your weakest, Satan will come roaring. But you’re also learning to immediately praise the Lord when negative or depressing thoughts try to capture your mind, and release will often come when you offer the sacrifice of praise with your lips even though you don’t “feel” faith in your heart (Hebrews 13:15).
And you’ve also learned this day that one of the best ways to win the war for your mind is to get your mind off yourself by doing something nice for someone else. Negative thoughts crowd in on the person who thinks too long on himself, but deep satisfaction comes to the one who loves his neighbor as himself.
You and I walk with a God who is ordering our steps (Psalm 37:23, 24) and who promises that everything will work together for good (Romans 8:28). Take time for self-examination and confession when necessary. A sensitive conscience is a priceless treasure (Acts 24:16). However, don’t glorify Satan by looking too long inwardly in negative introspection because that is actually pride in reverse, because it is still a form of self-centeredness. Instead, make a bold confession of your position and authority through the One Who lives inside you. And always remember that you’re not the only one fighting the war for your mind. We’re all in this battle together but, more importantly, so is the Holy Spirit. And that means you’re on the side that won!
Ready To Test Yourself?
1. Why is Satan so eager to capture you mind?
2. What is a believer’s primary weapon against the attacks and temptations of the mind?
3. How can we tell that another person has fully surrendered his/her heart and mind to the Lord?
4. List the six elements mentioned in Philippians 4:8 that constitute a sound mind and healthy thought life?
5. What are four basic essentials of God’s blueprint that demonstrate a mature mind?
6. How does our thought life become strengthened through scriptural meditation?
7. What are the benefits that Paul refers to in II Timothy 2:15 that will bless God’s people as we study the Word of God?
8. How does the Holy Spirit work in our hearts to instruct and inspire the renewal of our minds? And what is the fruit that accompanies this restoration?
9. What are some ways you can tell that your mind has come into agreement and alignment with the Holy Spirit?
10. How does our desire to serve others prepare our minds to receive more from God and then position us to release the joy, grace and peace of our Lord Jesus to anyone struggling with confusion or doubt?