With Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 46 Part 2
The psalmist, overwhelmed with the presence and love of God, cried out, “O taste and see that the Lord is good…” (Psalm 34:8). One of the sweetest ways to “taste” the Lord is through His Word—the Scriptures. And the best way to receive greater strength and revelation of His Word is to memorize verses, sections and even chapters. Review the previous lesson to see the first three benefits you will receive when you hide God’s Word in your heart by memorizing its delicious verses. Let’s continue with more benefits.
You will see truth in its context and setting. Second Peter 3:16-18 speaks of some of the more difficult truths of the Lord taught by Paul as being “hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” Many cults have been started by taking scriptures out of context and making them say just about anything that people want to believe.
Some of these cultist teachings are easy to spot. However, there are more subtle and sinister heresies going around, even among evangelical and fundamental Christians, that may look good on the surface, but once investigated in scriptural context, are seen for the error they are. So Peter continues in 2 Peter 3:17,18, “You therefore, beloved, seeing you know these things before, beware, lest you also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”
What’s the best way to move from unlearned to learned—from unstable to stable—from those being led away into error to those who maintain a spiritual steadfastness? Peter tells us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Growing in God’s grace is taking the life of Christ into every area of our lives. The knowledge of Jesus is found in the Word, the best kind of knowledge is knowledge retained, and the best way to retain knowledge is to memorize, review, and obey it.
Paul states in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Notice the key words. “Study” (be a student). “A workman” (put truth into action through obedience). “Rightly dividing” (coming up with God’s meaning of His truth without the strange interpretations coming from all directions).
Benefits numbers five and six are especially for those who communicate the Word of God to others. However, since all Christians are born to witness through life and lips and since we’re all born again to spiritually reproduce, these points can apply to every believer. Number five is authority in preaching and teaching. Just look at the seventh chapter of Acts. Stephen the deacon is on trial, and what a sermon he preaches. It is virtually the entire history of the children of Israel and God’s dealings with them as Stephen quotes scripture after scripture. He had no scroll in front of him. Where was the Word coming from? His heart! His mind! He had memorized and reviewed it. It was part of him.
No wonder his opponents were not able to resist the wisdom with which he spoke. True, they murdered him. But they couldn’t kill truth. In his death, Stephen proved a fisher of men and caught a giant—Saul of Tarsus. Without doubt, Stephen’s pure life and pure words stabbed the conscience of Saul and he would not hold out against the Holy Spirit much longer. What made Stephen’s preaching so powerful? It wasn’t his thoughts about the Word—it was his using the very Word of God itself.
And look at Peter’s magnificent sermon in the second chapter of Acts. What made his preaching so powerful? You can see it throughout his sermon. For example, in verse 16, “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel…” And then Peter goes on to quote the very words of the prophet. There is no record that he had time to run home and get one of his favorite scrolls. Peter’s love of the Lord had given him a profound love for the Word of the Lord. And, like a good Jew, he had digested that Word and could quote whole portions. Undeniable power was found in his preaching—and unbelievable results followed.
This is linked to point five—conviction that comes to the hearers of inspired preaching/teaching that flows from the Word of God. We’ve already discussed Stephen in Acts 7 and the reactions that followed. Unable to resist the power of Stephen’s message, people stoned him. He died on his knees, forgiving them and seeing Jesus’ open arms through open heavens. God’s capture of the future apostle Paul was a direct result.
And look at the results from Peter’s preaching in Acts 2:37, “Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?” What were they reacting to? The Holy Spirit using Peter’s quoting of the memorized Word of God! He was no scholar/theologian. Peter was a simple fisherman who became a profound tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit, because God’s best means for reaching others is through His own Word. Three thousand people came to Jesus and were baptized that day.
Do you want to see fresh authority in your speaking, preaching or teaching? Do you want to see lives changed through your witness? Memorize and use the Word of God, live a godly, caring life, and things will begin to happen.
You will learn how to practice God’s revealed mind and will. Ephesians 5:17 says, “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” As a new Christian, I loved Jesus Christ so much that my thirst for Him was unquenchable—my desire beyond satisfying. I cried out, “Lord, I adore you. I love you. I only wish I could know the thoughts contained in Your mind. For if I knew Your thoughts, I would know Your heart and Your will.”
The Lord’s voice was so sweet in replying, “You can know My mind—at least all that I’ll share with you this side of eternity. It’s found in my love letter—my road map—your manual, the Bible. Study it daily. Master its contents. Memorize its words. You’ll know my revealed mind when you know my Word. And you’ll hunger for my revealed mind as much as you hunger for my Word.”
I have never been the same. And you won’t, either. Battles, problems, and temptations? Yes, I’ll have mine and you’ll have yours. But the resources of the Holy Spirit using His power supply for powerful living—the Word of God—will bring you and me through anything and everything and keep us standing when the world is falling apart.