By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 15 (Part 2)
In our last lesson, we began to study how to seek and find God’s will in the many important decisions we must make in our lives. I suggest you review that study of the first four steps in seeking God’s will. They include:
Each of the above points is explained in detail in Part 1. Now we shall study five more points in learning how to discern the difference between the will of God and that of Satan or our own deceived flesh.
Travel any busy highway and you will find signs along the way indicating where you are. The same is true when following well-traveled mountain trails as arrows point the way to the summit. God is often like a map-maker or trail-marker. He will give signals or signposts to those who desire to do His will. Perhaps it will be something that takes place or an invitation from some person. Or maybe something you read or hear.
Keep your eye out for signposts or trends, but don’t base your decisions on them without checking further with all the other eight steps that will be shared before this lesson is finished. Remember Joshua when he was ordered to destroy the nations and take over their lands? (Joshua chapter 9) The Gibeonites were smart enough to know what God had done to Israel’s enemies. They decided on a trick that called for old shoes, old garments and moldy bread. Though they lived close to the children of Israel, they pretended to come from a far country and made Joshua promise not to destroy them. He later learned that he had been deceived because he went by only a “signpost” rather than take it in prayer to God as well as get advice from others (we’ll cover this point next).
Never let a signpost cancel out the clear-cut Word of God. Remember when Paul, with winter approaching, warned the ship captain not to make that hazardous journey. (Acts 27:9,10)
When the south wind blew softly (v.13) the captain disregarded Paul’s instructions from God and a shipwreck was the result. Many Christians find themselves shipwrecked because they sail on the “south wind of circumstances” rather than stand on the solid rock of the Word of God. Remember this simple rule—signposts or trends that are from the Lord will find an agreement in Scripture and will never be contradictory.
Scriptures says, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14) Blessed is the Christian who has some mature Christian friends he or she can depend on for advice. Most of the time, that wise counsel will help much in determining God’s will. Scripture also says, “Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.” (Proverbs 20:18)
When facing big decisions, get all the advice you can from as many directions as you can. A couple drove a long distance to see my wife and me. Their marriage was in trouble but for a different reason. This man was not unfaithful and was a magnificent husband. His problem was that he could not say “no”. Active in his church night after night, he still accepted more responsibilities. While gaining the applause of some in the church who were willing to let him do all the work, he was losing the respect of his wife who desperately needed him. We prayed, worked on his schedule and he promised to make adjustments. I even performed an impromptu ceremony in our living room as they renewed their wedding vows. Their seeking out advice saved their marriage.
I like to take a night to sleep on major decisions. I have made too many mistakes by being presumptuous and impulsive. Decisions that are off in the future give you time to carefully check out the Lord’s will. Other decisions must be made almost instantly. When possible, take at least one night to wait on the Lord in prayer and in the Scriptures before making the decision. Often, the next morning will dawn with your path made crystal clear because you took time to “Be still and know that I am God”. (Psalm 46:10)
Scripture reminds you that you do not have to make your decisions alone. In fact, you really don’t even have to make them at all if you give God a chance to make them for you. You will still have to be the voice behind the decision, but His will be the mind behind it. Taking time in prayer over the problem or action facing you allows you to view it from God’s perspective and makes you conscious of His lordship over your life and decisions. And this is the promise we have in 1 John 5:14,15, “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”
Let me illustrate this point with moving our organization from West Coast to East Coast in 1979. All Norma and I wanted was God’s will no matter the cost (point one). We had a basic foundation of scriptural principles (point two). A strong inner impression that God would give us miracle facilities (point three) was followed by many scriptures that challenged us to step out in faith (point four). We had signposts such as city commissions and zoning boards speaking in our favor, and a miracle price for large facilities (point five). A multitude of counselors advised us to “go” (point six) and we had spent time in prayer (point seven).
Now we chained ourselves to the will of God. In other words: “Lord, it all looks like it’s you. But if we have been deceived, blow the whole thing up if it’s not your perfect will.” We claimed the promise in Matthew 18:18, “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven…” and rested in the Lord. What followed was the final point in this lesson.
Colossians 3:15 is a magnificent indicator of God’s will, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts…” God promises to be your umpire and settle all questions that fill your heart and mind. He will do it with that “perfect peace” (Isaiah 26:3) that settles in when it’s really the Lord.
When all nine of these signals click in, you can make your decision, large or small, with the assurance that you have done your best to be true to the Lord and to listen to His voice. Now step out on faith and move in the direction that you believe to be right.
Always remember that you do not have to ask God if it is His will for you to give, witness, forgive, attend church, etc. Those are scriptural commands and privileges that a Christian automatically does without the excuse of “I don’t feel led.” Just do them and you will be blessed.
These nine steps, once learned, will become like a well-used map to which you will refer as you face decisions on who to marry, where to move, what church to attend, when to have children, what activities to involve yourself in, what purchases to make, etc. Too many Christians blow it by first making the decisions and then asking God to bless it. The Lord is not in the business of blessing wrong decisions and loves us enough to make us pay for them. Always make a mental note of the bad decisions you have made in the past so you don’t repeat them. Ephesians 5:17 tells us, “…be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” Take these important steps I have given you, add any others that God may give you and go to work learning how to understand His voice and will. You will find a new confidence as you approach life’s decisions because you will be seeking one thing only—God’s will and never your own.