By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 41 Part 1
Many Christians, though sincere, say, “God spoke to me” and then later admit they were wrong. My wife, Norma, is not one of them. She is very careful when she says “The Lord spoke to me” and chooses her words very carefully.
One day, when my Norma was suffering from discouragement and great weakness, God did speak to her. I remember how her eyes were radiant with both tears and glory when she told me: “The Lord said to me, ‘Norma, I love you!’”
Those four words changed everything for my wife. She came through that test and battle—and she has been victorious in many other tests since then. The miracle that made the difference occurred in God calling her name.
That got me to thinking how many other people the Lord called by name. I am convinced He has spoken your name and mine many times in His great love for us as our Heavenly Father. God wants us to know how much He loves us—and to help us respond to that love by offering Him all of our heart and life.
I found eight people whom God called in different circumstances of life. I also discovered that you and I will go through, one way or another, each of these eight situations where, if we learn to listen with our spirits, we will hear the words of the Holy Spirit calling each of us by name. Let’s take a look at the first four of those people to whom God personally spoke. In Part 2, we will cover the next four.
1) God called to Adam when he was foolishly hiding from his loving Creator and Father. “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9.
Are you trying to hide any sin from the Lord who loves you? That is impossible. He is calling your name. Cease your hiding and confess that sin (or sins) to God. Christ’s blood will wash your heart and mind and make you whiter than snow (see Isaiah 1:18).
2) God called Abraham’s name when father Abraham was hurting. He had been told to sacrifice
his son, Isaac. The Lord was testing the man he loved, to see if Abraham would put God first no matter what pain he might have to endure. As Abraham took the knife to slay his son, the angel of God called him by name, “And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I”. Genesis 22:11. What awesome peace—what incredible relief and joy—must have flooded Abraham’s soul when God told him Abraham had passed the test and Isaac was to live.
Your Heavenly Father also knows when you are suffering pain—whether emotionally, physically, spiritually or mentally. He is calling your name, wanting you to release to Him each of those painful things in your life so that Jesus can fill you with His peace and rest (see John 14:27 and Matthew 11:28-30).
3) God called Moses’ name when this future mighty man of God must have been feeling unimportant. He had fled from Pharaoh and was living on “the backside of the desert” (Exodus 3:1) when he saw an incredible sight—a bush on fire that was never consumed. That’s when God called his name: “And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.” Genesis 3:4. From that moment on, he would never feel useless again. Do you feel useless? Perhaps you have not discovered God’s wonderful plan for your life. He is calling your name—wanting to show you His perfect will in your own life. He made just one like you—and He has a plan just for you. Jeremiah 29:11 has you in mind just as much as anyone else—past, present, or future. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. Jeremiah 29:11. Your key to the door to His wonderful plan for your life is found in the next two verses (you won’t experience Jeremiah 29:11 without embracing Jeremiah 29:12,13): “Then shall ye go and pray unto Me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Tell your Lord that you are sincere and serious about discovering His perfect plan for your life—living one day at a time. He may reveal a new call for your life—or show you His will step by step in where you are involved today (school, home, job, etc.). Set a time aside each day to pray and search His Word. You will never feel useless again as you surrender moment by moment to the Holy Spirit.
4) God Called Samuel’s name when he was sleeping. The lad did not yet know how to differentiate between the voice of the Lord and the voice of man. Twice God called him and twice little Samuel thought it was Eli the priest. Then God called his name again: “And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.” I Samuel 3:10. You will note that Samuel answered the way our Father always wants us to answer when He calls for our attention: “Speak; for thy servant heareth”.
Has the Lord been speaking to you as you sleep—perhaps a vision or a dream with a warning or a promise? Most of our dreaming amounts to nothing—but sometimes our Lord Jesus may speak in a very real way, even in our dreams.
Or perhaps you have allowed your spiritual life to fall asleep and it’s time to wake up and get serious about loving and serving God The Lord knows how to call our names when we are in a dangerous spiritual sleep caused by sin, laziness or selfish living. Will we hear His call? Will we obey His command to “Wake up!”?
1) Are there any hidden sins in your life that God wants you to confess so that He can forgive you and give you peace?
2) What is the most difficult test or temptation you are facing? Will you ask Jesus for His help and believe that I Corinthians 10:13 is God’s promise to you?
3) Have you sought God’s perfect will for your life? If not, will you do it now?
4) Have you fallen asleep in your Christian life through laziness or wrong priorities? Will you begin to seek the Lord daily for His will through the reading of His Word and prayer?