WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Esther)
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews has been called God’s “Hall of Fame.” Listed are biblical giants—men and women whose faith in the Lord was evidenced by their actions.
Today’s Church is in danger of preaching a “cheap grace” that mocks the true grace of God. We have programmed a form of Christianity that can function without Jesus. He stands on the outside of His Church, knocking at the door and asking if there is anyone inside who will hear His voice and invite Him in (Revelation 3:20).
When will the Spirit of the Lord finally get through to us that it is the blood of Jesus that covers sins—not God’s grace that allows us to continue in sin!? The true grace of our Lord Jesus enables us to live a righteous life where we learn to hate sin. We are warned to learn from Old Testament examples the cost of disobedience to God and the blessedness of obedience. When the Lord told us twice within only six verses (1 Corinthians 10:6, 11) to go back and study those examples, we are wise to heed the warnings.
This study will be from the book of Esther. God chose Abraham and the Jews to give the world the Scriptures and the Savior. He promised to bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse them. History proves the truth of God’s words and warnings. Haters of Jews and Israel come and go—and disappear from history. The Jews live on and Israel will outlive her persecutors and finally recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah. What an awesome God we serve!
1:16-20 Example—How God used a pagan wise man to prepare the way for deliverance of the Jews.
2:8, 9, 15, 20 Example—Esther’s spirit and behavior, conditioned by God’s Spirit, caused a pagan king to grant her favor above all others. (See
v 20 as an example of a humble and submissive spirit—even as a
3:2-4 Mordecai—an example of convictions of steel.
3:6-9, 13 Example—Haman becomes Satan’s executive director for evil. (See also
5:11-14 self-adulation.)
4:13, 14 Mordecai—an example of leadership.
4:16 Esther—an example of resolve.
5:8 Esther—aan example of moving in God’s strategy and timing.
6:6 Example—How pride leads to destruction.
6:13 Persian pagans are aware of the example of the Genesis 12:3 “boomerang”—God’s warning to curse those who curse the Jews.
9:1-3, 10, 25-27 Example—The full boomerang effect on Haman and his sons.
9:4; 10:3 Mordecai—an example of humility in greatness.
10:3 Example—Mordecai lived to bless others—not himself.