With Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 49 Part 1
I love the Hebrew Scriptures—the First Testament in our Bible. Without the first 39 books of the Old Testament, the 27 books of the New Testament would have no foundation. The First Testament is a record of the Messiah (Jesus) concealed. The New Testament is the record of Messiah Jesus revealed in all His power and glory.
But the Old Testament also gives us other great lessons. Those 39 books contain the record of God’s dealings with individuals and nations—and their responses to God—whether in obedience or rebellion. The lessons are so important that the Lord has Paul repeat within the space of six verses (1 Corinthians 10: 6, 11) that all of the Old Testament examples are for us today.
We will now continue to study those examples—both winners and losers. The Spirit of God wants us to avoid the sins of the losers and learn obedience through the lives of the winners—those who said no to self and yes to God.
We began in the Book of Genesis way back in lesson 19. If you wish to review all of the previous lessons from Genesis through 2 Samuel, you will find them in lessons 19 through 23 (Genesis through Deuteronomy) and lessons 37-40 (Joshua through 2 Samuel).
We will now begin our third section of the Old Testament books. I give you the references but you must look up the scriptures and seek from the Holy Spirit the lessons they contain. God wants you to be a winner—not a loser. So let’s get started in 1 Kings as we study each example.
1:5, 6 Adonijah—Example of how self exaltation backfires (see also 2:15, 22, 24).
3:5, 7-14 Solomon’s example of humility and utter dependence on God (self would have asked for long life, riches to enjoy it, and vindication to enhance pride).
4:29-34 Example of how God keeps His promises.
5:1, 12 Hiram and Solomon—Example of an international friendship under God.
6:11-13 Example of how no amount of sacrifice to impress God can substitute for simple obedience to God.
7:13, 14 Example of how God notes physical talents dedicated to His glory.
8:31-54 Seven examples of God’s justice and mercy (see also 9:2-9).
10:1-9, 24 Example of God’s greatest purpose for choosing Israel—to be His witnesses to the world (note v 9—Queen of Sheba a Gentile, lauding the God of Israel).
11:1-11 Example of a tender and true heart turning into a lustful, false heart and paying the price.
11:14, 23, 25, 26 Example of how God uses others to bring pain or polishing to those He rebukes.
11:28, 31, 35-38 Jeroboam an example of a man taking God’s invitation to blessing and greatness and casting it in the Lord’s face (even after seeing what happened to Solomon for his sins—see also 12:26-28, 33; 13:6, 33, 34; 14:5-13).
12:3-16 Rehoboam—Example of what happens when the counsel of the young and spoiled is favored over the counsel of the gray hairs of experience and wisdom.