By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
LESSON 26 Part 1
I’m an expert on going through moods! Who isn’t? We’ve all battled dark and negative moods, bitter moods, resentful moods, jealous moods. We’ve been left aching, hurt, disappointed, broken, crushed, revengeful and prideful. You and I go through a flood of tests, trials, temptations and triumphs that send our moods on roller coaster trips—from great highs to screaming lows.
I can almost hear you saying “Amen, brother!” to the above statements. But just what are moods? For the sake of simplicity, let’s call them “affected emotions.” These affected emotions can lead to moods that control you—from wild euphoria in triumph to a somber, hopeless dejection in defeat. Today, Christians and non-Christians alike are falling under the crushing weight of changing moods. Emotions and moods left uncontrolled have destroyed marriages, friendships, health, sanity and even lives.
The same thing can happen to you or me. Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert, the fast pace of our society is geared to leaving you rushed, bewildered and frustrated. Some people let all their emotions out and fly apart. Others keep it all in and explode. What’s the difference? Either way you feel terrible.
This lesson is meant to bring you hope, faith and courage. I don’t like using the word “expert” for anything, but I suppose I am an expert when it comes to changing moods. I’m a highly emotional person who, in many years of Christian life and ministry, has known both the peaks and pits of moods. I’ve known victory and defeat. Discouragement and joy. Attack and oppression from Satan. Comfort, power and deliverance from the Holy Spirit. And I’ve obviously talked to thousands of people whose emotions and moods threatened to overwhelm them.
Maybe you’re one of those being tested severely by affected emotions and deep, black moods. Or perhaps you know someone who is going through terrible struggles. This lesson can help. I want to tell you how to face those changing, powerful moods and not only survive them, but conquer them.
In order to help you, I’m going to be open and honest to tell you how I’ve learned (and am learning) to face fears, failures, frustrations, discouragements and sins and overcome them as well as the changes in moods that each problem brings.
No matter what I go through, I always remind myself that Jesus has been there. I’m so glad that God wrapped Himself in human flesh and faced life just like you and me. If there had not been a Jesus, I’m convinced I would never be able to trust God as one who understands and knows where I’m coming from. After all, God is pristine, pure, powerful—and high above all the frailties and frustrations of human life. But Jesus—ahhh—He’s different. God in the flesh, yes! But also a high priest who knows where I’m coming from because He faced what I’m facing. “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but who was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15)
Did you get that? Jesus was tempted in every direction, just like you and me. Satan shot his arrows of bitterness, anger, discouragement, fear, worry, hatred and a thousand other fiery darts at Jesus. The difference is that He never sinned—but He did experience the worst that the tempter could throw. It’s important to know that fact in order for you to believe you can do what the next verse tells you to do, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrew 4:16). You’re invited to come boldly for help and not only expect God’s aid in surviving all your trials but also his grace that leads to growth.
Let those simple truths saturate your mind and heart as a foundation on which to build. The big difference for us Christians is that we’re not facing our battles with human strength as does the world. We have an arsenal of the promises of God behind us and the power of God within us. No matter how long we’ve allowed that power to remain dormant, it’s all there residing in the person of the Holy Spirit. Let’s take one of the worst moods we can face and see how we can not only survive that mood—but grow spiritually because of it.
Ever felt bitter? Perhaps you were hurt, insulted or deliberately ignored by someone. Or someone lies about you or receives credit for something that really was your accomplishment. Or a loved one says or does something that leaves you cut to the core and you sense bitterness creeping through your system like a cold, malignant chill.
I’ve wrestled bitterness. But I knew I had to win it in a hurry, or it would not only destroy me but others around me. (See Hebrews 12:15) I usually ask myself, “Frank, why are you bitter?” Yes, sometimes it is good to talk to yourself—and even answer yourself. David did when he asked, “Why art though cast down, oh my soul? And why art though disquieted within me?” (Psalm 42:11) He answered himself with, “hope thou in God.”
When I investigate the reason for my bitterness, I find it’s because of self-hurt. Something or someone hurt my feelings, my reputation, my loved ones—but always “MY”. I remind myself of Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good…” and I Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” That helps me realize that God allowed this test to come my way. Maybe He didn’t send it, but as my sovereign God, He allowed it. Because He loves me, He asks me to trust Him; and I thank Him, no matter the pain. That’s often difficult to do, but as I praise and thank Him, I sense His love within helping me see the issue in a new “growth” perspective.
Next, I go to the Word to see how others handled things that could have drowned them in the swamps of bitterness. Joseph was sold out by his own flesh and blood, yet later comforted his frightened brothers with, “But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…” (Genesis 50:20). Joseph saw beyond the issue to the intensity of God’s loving hand on his life. He knew the Lord would never allow anything that would leave him bitter—only better.
Paul was in the same boat. He landed in so many jails that even his best friends deserted him. In his final book, written in prison just prior to his death, he reports, “…no man stood with me, but all men forsook me…notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me…” (II Timothy 4:16-17). The possibility of bitterness setting in as a result of human companions selling him out was replaced by the blessedness of Paul’s supernatural Friend whose light is better seen when our situations are the darkest.
Did anyone ever face any greater reasons to become bitter than Jesus did? Crowds that said “Hail” one moment screamed “Crucify him” the next. A disciple who said, “Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended” (Matthew 26:33), shortly thereafter used curse words in denying he ever knew the Savior. Jesus was left virtually alone at the cross, hanging naked and humiliated for your sins and mine—while we mocked and jeered. Even God the Father turned His back on Christ when, in that mysterious moment, He took upon Himself our sins and the sin of the world (II Corinthians 5:21). What are you or I going through that’s any worse than that?!
(To Be Continued)