By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

LESSON 26 Part 2


It would be tempting as Christians to always wish we could live on the mountain top. No problems. No tests or temptations. Perfect health. No tears. No death. That’s part of what we will have when we arrive in the Kingdom of God. Heaven is made for perfection. However, earth is a school. A battleground. A time not of perfection, but of being perfected.

Since life is a battle, it means we will go through many moods—or “affected emotions”. In part 1, we discussed how moods change and how those changing emotions can affect our personal lives, our walk with God, our marriages, our friendships and even our health and sanity.

Jesus walked in a human body just like we do. He went through it all and teaches us in the Scriptures how we can live in victory no matter our changing circumstances or affected emotions. In fact, our greatest growth can come from our greatest tests such as Joseph’s rejection by his brothers and Paul in his many imprisonments. You and I will also go through many moments when our emotions will try to tell us that God is not there, that He does not care, and that life is too much to bear. What are we going to do when we face those moments? That is what Part 2 is all about.


Determine what your problem is and go to work. Find out where you’re coming from and cut the problem down to size with the following simple plan.

1. Let’s say your mood or emotion is one of bitterness. Don’t try to deny it, because you won’t be real and will only compound the problem. Admitting it’s there is 50% of the victory called “being honest”. The other 50% is fighting the war successfully.

2. Ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this bitterness (or whatever mood you’re experiencing)?” If it’s nothing you can identify, it’s an emotion and, like the Chinese proverb says, “This too will pass.” If it’s something where you feel God has let you down, talk it all out with Him on a long walk or in a room alone—out loud so you can hear yourself.

When we were struggling with a brand new Shalom ministry in New England in 1979, I could have grown bitter when our three team members were struck by a drunken driver. The drunk wasn’t scratched but two of our friends were killed. As I talked it out with the Lord, I began seeing through my tears that which I never could have seen through a telescope. I found myself able to trust Him even though I couldn’t trace Him, and rest and peace settled in even while the tears flowed.

If your bitter mood is being caused by meanness some person has done to you, let it be your opportunity to become more like Jesus. Look what we did to Him! And look what we do to Him every day of our lives through ignoring Him, failing to listen to Him, refusing to talk to Him in all kinds of prayer situations and often failing to represent Him in a loving and gracious manner to others. Yet He keeps caring, because genuine love refuses to hurt for itself—only for others.

3. Open your Bible and see how others faced, and won, the same type of battle you’re going through. You can also study how some refused to face their problems (like King Saul) and lost—and this will fill you with a genuine fear of God (Hebrews 12:28) that will snap you out of any self-pity.

4. Thank God for allowing you to go through different experiences, emotions and encounters. Praise Him for His sovereignty over your life and that He guarantees everything will work together for your good (Romans 8:28). Remember that He doesn’t say everything looks good or even is good—but that it works together for good to those who love Him. Face the fact that the mood you’re going through proves you’re weak in that very area—or you wouldn’t be bothered, but that out of weakness you can be made strong (Hebrews 11:34).

5. Rather than fear ever going through such a similar “mood attack” again (you’ll have many more battles), ask God to make this “growing-ground” for your life. A good prayer might be, “Father, this is an area where I need to grow. I wouldn’t be hurting so much if this were not a weakness. Take this tendency (bitterness, discouragement, anger, sadness, worry, etc.) and turn it into one of my greater strengths. Invade this area of my life through your Holy Spirit and don’t let up until I not only know how to survive the next attack—but experience growth.”

6. You’ve concentrated on the mood or emotion long enough. It’s time to look outward at others who are in far worse shape than you are. Force yourself to forget yourself by going out and doing something good for another—perhaps even a person you feel has done you harm. You’ll be amazed at how caring about others will cause your own negative mood to evaporate.

(Continued in Part 3, next lesson)


