WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Exodus)

By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

LESSON 20 Part 1


We continue our study of God’s dealings with individuals and nations during Old Testament days as we learn by examples (I Corinthians 10:6,11) how we should live today.

There are Christians who say, “If it’s not in the New Testament, I don’t take it seriously” (as if God made two Bibles, one for Christians today and the former for ancient Israel). That opens the door to Satan’s trap; that of failing to heed the examples God has allowed to be recorded in the first two-thirds of His Book. Obviously, when Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures” and Paul kept referring to “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable…” they were referring to the Hebrew Scriptures—what Christians call the “Old Testament.”

We now look at key examples—from Exodus—of people and events that offer us lessons for today.


1:9,10—Example of how Satan uses the world to try to defeat God by persecuting His people the Jews.

1:11-17; 2:1-9, 23-25—Example of God frustrating the plans of the Jews’ enemies. Note His choice of Moses—a man with a compassionate sense of justice in a hardened world          

(2:11,12,16,17)—Note also how two women feared and obeyed God—and won His favor (1:17,20).

3:11,12—Example of God’s glorious answer to those who would be free from a sense of lack or an inferiority complex.

4:10-14—Example—Moses’ reluctance to obey brought God’s “blazing anger.” Also see vv 24,25 where disobedience nearly brought death.


5:2—Example of an arrogant pagan about to be introduced—the hard way—to the God of Israel (see also 9:14-16; 10:3).

6:3, 6-9—Example—God’s eight personal guarantees were not enough to dispel the discouragement of the unfaithful Israelites (see also 14:10—12)

7:9-13,21,22—Example of how Satanic deception can appear as real as the power of God.

8:11—Example of how God’s patience is used as a reason to keep sinning (see 9:27,34).


8:18,19—Example of how Satan’s best agents—Egypt’s magicians—came to their limits and succumbed to God’s power (see also 9:11).

10:7-9—Example—When involved in negotiations, consult God first.

11:3,7,8—Example of how God can take a man with an inferiority complex and turn him into one with the boldness of a lion.

12:7,13,29—Example—Israel’s deliverance called for obedience.

13:17,21—Example of the tenderness of God in preparing and preserving His own for greater days of conflict and victory.


14:13-16—Example—God worked when Moses obeyed—“lift up your rod.”

15:1-3,9-11,14-18—Example of the praise that should follow God’s goodness (note the faith that boldly repeats God’s promises concerning Israel’s future).

15:26—Example—Physical and spiritual health depend on complete obedience.

16:2,3,7,8,19,20,26-28—Example of the evil content of the human heart (see 17:2-4,7).

17:8-12—Example of the importance of faithful helpers and intercessors.

(To be continued)


WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Exodus)


WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Genesis)