WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Genesis)

By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

Lesson 19 Part 4


When Jesus and the apostles pointed out the Scriptures, they were referring to the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures that we refer to as the Old Testament.  As the New Testament was being written, its writers affirmed the importance of the Old Testament examples—good and bad—and the wisdom in learning from them. Twice Paul repeats God’s warning to pay attention to those examples (I Corinthians 10:6,11).

We continue our Book of Genesis study of winners and losers—both nations and individuals. Since those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it, let us apply the following lessons to our lives so that we will run and finish our lives as winners and not losers.


19:16,17,26           Example—Double-mindedness may still receive mercy, but contempt for God’s commands brings death.

20:3-8                    King Abimelech’s example of a true and repentant heart (note Abraham’s and Sarah’s lack of trust in

God in their telling a half truth vv 2, 12,16).

1:9-14                    Example—God’s plan for Abraham is again conditional on costly obedience.21:14-20.

21:14-20                Example of God’s impartial love for Arabs as well as Jews.

22:1-3,10-12, 15-18    True faith and its reward is defined by Abraham’s obedience in offering Isaac.


22:7-10                   Isaac is an example of submitting as a living sacrifice to God.

23:8-11                   Example of a God-fearing Hittite (never judge an individual by a group).

24:2, 6-10,12,21,27,33,34,49-52,55,56  Example of the kind of servanthood that Jesus Christ deserves of me.

24:19,20,57-61       Rebekah—example of a beautiful heart touched by God who is unafraid to take a great step of faith.


25:31-34                 Example—Esau’s embrace of the carnal and his disdain of the spiritual would later cost him dearly.

26:3-6                     Example—God’s using Isaac was conditional on obedience. Isaac is reminded by God why Abraham

was His man; “Abraham listened to and obeyed My voice” (v5).

27:34-36                 Example of “too late” tears of remorse over earlier disobedience (Note Esau blaming Jacob for

Esau’s own sin v36.)

28:11-22                 Example of a reverential fear of God working a willing and cheerful generosity in Jacob’s heart.


29:16-18, 30,31      Leah an example of how a loving God compensated the common and plain woman whose heart

belongs to Him (and also example of the one-sided evil of polygamy, see also 30:1,8,15,16,20).

31:3                        Example—God’s “I will be with you” was conditional upon Jacob’s obedience (v 13,16).

32:7-12,25-29         Example—God’s blessing comes to a desperate, seeking soul.

33:1-16                   Esau and Jacob an example of future reconciliation of Jews and Arabs.

34:1,2,15,24-26      Shechem an example of how fornication can cost a man his live—physical as well as spiritual.


35:1-3                      Example—Command given by God is obeyed by Jacob with the blessing following.

36:6-8                      Example of Esau’s respect for the God of the Jews who had promised Canaan to Jacob.

37:3,4,8                   Example of the danger of parental favoritism—for whatever reason.

37:2,5,9                   Example of the tender teen-age years (Joseph was 17) being used by God in preparation

for spiritual greatness.

38:11,15,24-26       Judah is a classic example of male supremacy flowing from a heart of hypocrisy and moral

degeneracy (had already sold his brother into slavery years before).


39:1-23                     Example—God “was with Joseph” because Joseph was with God through obedience.

40:7,8,13-15,21,23   Example—Why not to be concerned with the applause or opinions of men.

41:16                        “It is not in me..” Example of Joseph’s total leaning on God in obedience, and the honor that


42:6,21,28,35            Example—Sin’s reaping time begins for ten brothers (see also 43:18,26,28:44:12-16).


45:1-8,11,15-22         Example—Joseph was obedient to God’s sovereignty rather than to any inclination to bitterness.

46:2-5                        Example—An old man (Jacob) is still called to a step of obedience—and given God’s glorious

assurance of His companionship.

47:5-7                         Hebrews and Egyptians together in friendship—an example of prophetic days yet ahead

(see Isaiah 19:23-25).

49:1,2,28-33               Example of a godly man’s final thoughts being centered on the spiritual welfare of his children and

their link to the land of promise.

50:15-21                     Perfect example of the forgiving, overflowing love of God released through Joseph (a type of Jesus).


Study the Book of Genesis—and its examples—carefully. This “book of beginnings" lays the foundation for the rest of the Bible.


WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Exodus)


WINNERS AND LOSERS (The Book of Genesis)