By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras
The Jews have survived for 4000 years. Today, Israel is once again a nation. Yet, antisemitism still occurs worldwide and Israel’s enemies call for her destruction. God’s Word is filled with His heart for His ancient people. From them have come our Scriptures and Savior.
The following points show the vast difference between the thoughts of God and those of the world—and the Church—toward the Jews and Israel. Since God promises to bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse them (Genesis 12:3; Numbers 24:9), every Christian should know what the Bible teaches on this important subject. Study each of the Scripture references and you will see the Father’s heart for Israel.
1. In Israel’s groaning, God brought compassion. (Exodus 2:24-25)
2. In His punishment of Israel, God promised their preservation. (Leviticus 26:44)
3. In their tribulation, He offers mercy. (Deuteronomy 4:30-31)
4. In their aloneness, He guarantees His presence. (Ruth 1: 16-17)
5. In Israel’s vulnerability, God guaranteed their deliverance. (Esther 4:14)
6. In their brokenness, He brings healing. (Psalm 147: 2-3)
7. To those who curse the Jews, He brings the boomerang. (Isaiah 10: 5,12)
8. For His friendless ones, He calls for friends. (Isaiah 40: 1-2)
9. In their wanderings, He calls them home. (Isaiah 43:4-6)
10. In Israel’s helplessness, He proves His nearness. (Isaiah 49:14-16)
11. In His termination of all the nations, God guarantees Israel will not disappear. (Jeremiah 30:11, 16, 17)
12. To Israel’s enemies He offers a challenge. (Jeremiah 31:35-37, 33:23-26)
13. In their being mocked, he becomes the Jews’ defender. (Jeremiah 50:4-7, 11, 17-19, 33, 34)
14. In Israel’s foolish choices, God insists that He is their only choice. (Ezekiel 20:32-38)
15. In their spiritual whoredoms, God remains Israel’s suitor. (Hosea 11.1, 7-10, 14:4-9)
16. In their weakness, God becomes their champion. (Micah 4:11-12)
17. In their sense of insignificance, He proves to them their worth. (Zechariah 2:8)
18. In their greatest danger, God promises to bring the Jews His salvation. (Zechariah 12:8-10)
19. Jesus pronounced judgment on Jerusalem, but spoke of her restoration. (Mathew 23:36-39)
20. Jesus and the apostles took for granted the future restoration of Israel. (Acts 1:6-7)
21 Paul loved his people to such an extent that, with the Holy Spirit’s witness in his heart, Paul would have become a
curse to secure their salvation. (Romans 9:3-5)
22. God warns the Church not to become proud and arrogant against the people of Israel. (Romans 11:17-25)
23. God likens Israel’s future salvation to a resurrection from the dead. (Romans 11:15)
24. While God is able to graft wild branches (Gentiles) into His olive tree of faith, He still calls Jews the “natural branches”
and guarantees their future restoration. (Romans 11:24)
25. Israel’s glorious future is assured by God. (Romans 11:26,27)