The Mind-Set of the World versus The Mind-Set of God!


Two spirits wanting to control your life—the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit called Satan. Two roads—one narrow that leads to life—the other wide that leads to death. Two voices reaching out for your heart and mind—the Spirit of God with pure instructions from heaven and the voice of Satan that can be subtle and appealing. You make the choice as to which road you will travel—the way of the world or the way of God. The following lesson points out the contrast in God’s view versus that of the world. I have memorized these verses. I suggest you do the same.

1.  View of controlling thoughts (Arrogance versus humility

      Revelation 3:14-17 (Man’s way) versus Romans 12:1,2 (God’s way)

2.   View of what constitutes loving God (Words from the mouth versus actions from the heart)

       Matthew 7:21-23,26,27 (Man’s way) versus John 14:20-24; Matthew 7:24,25 (God’s way)

3.   View of time ("My time is my own" versus "My time is God's)

      James 4:13-15 (Man’s way) versus I Corinthians 7:29-31 (God’s way)

4.   View of motivational drive ("Me first" versus "God first")

      Matthew 6:31,32 (Man’s way) versus Matthew 6:33 (God’s way)

5.   View of use of the tongue (Controlled by Satan versus controlled by the Holy Spirit)

      James 3:5 (Man’s way) versus James 3:2 (God’s way)

6.   View of two "directional stations" (Satan's frequency versus the Holy Spirit's)

      James 3:14-16 (Man’s way) versus James 3:17,18 (God’s way)

7.    View of the sin of spiritual adultery (In bed with the world versus "In the world, but not of it")

       James 4:4 (Man’s way) versus I John 2:15-17 (God’s way)

8.     View of the body  (A fun house for Satan versus a tool kit for the Holy Spirit)

I Corinthians 6:13a (appetites of the flesh –Man’s way) versus I Corinthians 13b, 6:19,20 (passion for the Holy Spirit – God’s way) 

9.    View of the material ("I want it all now" versus "I want what lasts for eternity")

        Luke 12:16-21 (Man’s way) versus Matthew 6:19,20; I Timothy 6:19 (God’s way)

10.   View of what it means to be "born again" (Belief apart from a changed life versus faith that is

validated by a changed life James 2:19 (Man’s way)  versus II Corinthians 5:17 (God’s way)  




