By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

LESSON 18 (Part 3)


Even a brief study of the universe—its size and complexity—leaves one speechless except for four words, “What an awesome God!” But God has left us with more than the celestial proof of His power—He has also given men signs, wonders and miracles on planet earth that prove that He alone is God and there is no other.

I have discovered at least 140 miraculous proofs of God’s power in the Old Testament alone. We have studied 70 of these wonders in Parts 1 and 2. Now we view 35 more. And remember, this incredible God of power—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—is also the one who loves and sustains you—and who calls for your love and worship. What a privilege is ours!

71.  God heals poison waters. II Kings 2:19-22

72.  God floods desert with water: miracle for Israel; mirage for enemies. II Kings 3:15-24

73.  God multiplies a widow’s vessel of oil to pay off a mortgage. II Kings 4:1-7

74.  A woman of hospitality gives birth to a miracle son. II Kings 4:8-17

75.  The lad is raised from the dead. II Kings 4:18-37

76.  Poisoned food is transformed into a gourmet meal. II Kings 4:38-44

77.  A Syrian general is humbled and healed of leprosy. II Kings 5:1-14

78.  A proud and greedy Israelite is infected with Naaman’s leprosy. II 5:20-27

79.  An iron ax head floats like a cork. II Kings 6:5-7

80.  God’s prophet discerns thoughts of God’s enemy. II Kings 6:8-12

81.  God opens the eyes of His servant to see spiritual forces. II Kings 6:14-17

82.  Syrian army struck with supernatural blindness. II Kings 6:18-23

83.  Limiting the God of Israel resulted in death. II Kings 7:1,2; 17-20

84.  God scatters the Syrian army without a shot fired. II Kings 7:4-7

85.  Elisha prophesies a king’s healing and murder. II Kings 8:10

86.  Elijah’s prophesy fulfilled: a wicked queen goes to the dogs. II Kings 9:33-37 (see I Kings 21:23)

87.  Elisha prophesies Syria will be defeated 3 times. II Kings 13:14-19,25

88.  A corpse touches Elisha’s bones and is resurrected. II Kings 13:21

89.  God’s angel slaughters 185,000 Syrian enemies of Israel. II Kings 19:35

90.  God orders the sun to go backward as a sign for Hezekiah. II Kings 20:8-11

91.  By God’s power, Jasobeam kills 300 enemy soldiers with a lance. I Chronicles 11:11

92.  By God’s power, Eleazar alone defeats a Philistine army. I Chronicles 11:12-14

93.  By God’s power, Abisai conquers 300 enemy soldiers. I Chronicles 11:20

94.  By God’s power, Benaia kills 2 lions—later another lion—later an Egyptian goliath. I Chronicles 11:22,23

95.  God strikes Uzza dead for defiling Ark of the Covenant. I Chronicles 13:9,10

96.  Obed-edom supernaturally blessed for housing the ark of God. I Chronicles 13:12-14

97.  God sends a wind to order a battle. I Chronicles 14:13-17

98.  The angel of God destroys 70,000 Israelites. I Chronicles 21:8-14

99.   God accepts David’s repentance and answers with fire from heaven. I Chronicles 21:26

100. God appears to Solomon in an incredible dream. II Chronicles 1:7-12

101. God’s glory fills His temple. II Chronicles 5:13,14

102. Glory of God again fills the temple. II Chronicles 7:1-3

103. God again appears to Solomon. II Chronicles 7:12

104. God fills a human being (Solomon) with incomparable wisdom. II Chronicles 9:1,2,22,23

105. God honors Judah’s faith and routs Israel’s army that was twice as large. II Chronicles 13:1-18



