By Frank Eiklor and Cecilia Contreras

LESSON 18 Part 2


Ever battle doubts? We all do. Is God real? Is the Kingdom of Heaven real? Is eternal life real? We’ve all wished we could see and experience the spiritual world with our human eyes and intellects.

Yet in reality it is the physical world that is “not real”. Everything you see and feel is in process of decay and change. That’s why the Scriptures teach us “the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)

But while we walk by faith and not by sight, it is wonderful to know that God has never hidden Himself or His awesome power from His human creation. From the beginning, He has demonstrated His reality and Lordship over the universe and the earth through wonders, signs and miracles. He still does the impossible today, including the greatest miracle of all—changing your heart and mine through the experience of being “born again”.  Let’s take another look at what God did in the past to make men tremble and stand in awe at His power. This is the second lesson in a four part series going through the Old Testament.

36. Samson tears apart a lion with his bare hands. Judges 14:5,6

37. Samson slaughters 1000 men of war. Judges 15:15

38. Samson carries away the city gates and destroys a stadium. Judges 16:3, 26-30

39. Birth of Samuel comes in response to desperate prayer. I Samuel 1:10-20

40. Philistine God, Dagon, is dismembered by God Himself. I Samuel 5:1-4

41. Philistines return the ark after God’s miracle with the cows. I Samuel 6:8-12

42. Samuel gives Saul four exact prophecies—all are fulfilled. I Samuel 10:1-4,9

43. Jonathan and his servant destroy the Philistines as God brings an earthquake. I Samuel 14:6-15

44. David destroys a giant with a single stone. I Samuel 17: 49,50

45. Intending to kill David, Saul prophesies instead. I Samuel 19:20-24

46. God sends Saul into the same cave as David. I Samuel 24:3,4

47. God puts Saul and his army into a deep sleep. I Samuel 26:12

48. God orders the battle, orders a wind to blow, and defeats the Philistines. II Samuel 5:22-25

49. Solomon’s God-given dream has an immediate confirmation. I Kings 3:5-28

50. God’s visible glory is seen and felt by a nation. I Kings 8:10,11

51. Josiah’s birth foretold as God’s instrument of judgment. I Kings 13:1-5

52. Miracle of the slain prophet, live donkey and hungry lion. I Kings 13:28

53. God gives his aging prophet with poor eyesight 20/20 prophetic vision. I Kings 14:4-6

54. God’s prophet (Elijah) speaks—the rain stops—for 3 ½ years. I Kings 17:1

55. A widow’s obedience turns a mouthful of bread into a warehouse of unlimited food. I Kings 17:10-16

56. A widow’s son is raised from the dead. I Kings 17:17-24

57. God’s fire falls as His prophet (Elijah) faces 850 false prophets. I Kings 18:17-40

58. God’s prophet (Elijah) speaks—the rain starts- after 3 ½ years. I Kings 18:1, 41-46

69. A man (Elijah), full of God’s strength, outruns horses. I Kings 18:44-46

60. Elijah walked 40 days and nights on one meal of God’s “super food.” I Kings 19:5-8

61. Supernatural tornado, earthquake and fire—then God’s voice. I Kings 19:11-13

62. God’s tiny army slaughters 100,000 Syrian soldiers in one day. I Kings 20:23-29

63. A prophecy against disobedience comes to pass. I Kings 20:35-37

64. Prophetic vision—a wicked king would go to the dogs. I Kings 22:17-35

65. A prophecy against idol-worshipping king comes to pass (II Kings 1:1-4); and two platoons of soldiers are killed by God’s fire. II Kings 1:9-18

66. God of Elijah splits the Jordon River. II Kings 2:8

67. Elijah goes to heaven in a chariot of fire. II Kings 2:11

68. God grants Elisha a double portion of His Spirit. II Kings 2:9-12

69. God of Elisha splits the Jordan River. II Kings 2:14

70. Heaven’s curse destroys 42 juvenile delinquents. II Kings 2:23,24



